
Alla completed her first degree in Linguistics in her native Ukraine. After immigrating to Australia she transferred her studies to Psychology and completed her training in clinical psychology at Monash University.

She is a member of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and Singapore Psychological Society (SPS), and is endorsed for the practice of clinical psychology by the Psychology Board of Australia. She is also a Board-approved clinical supervisor.  Prior to studying psychology in Australia, Alla studied linguistics, and worked as a journalist and lecturer in Ukraine.

Alla has experience treating a wide range of psychological problems in both private and public settings in Australia, including primary mental health team, in-patient psychiatric unit in a public hospital, and child and adolescent services. She also successfully ran her own private practice for over 7 years in Melbourne, Australia. Alla has a strong interest in the development and facilitation of group programs, particularly with people who have experienced both attachment-related and single event trauma. She developed and was the lead facilitator of a 10-week Schema Therapy Program at the Melbourne Clinic as well as co-facilitated inpatient schema therapy groups for complex trauma at the Victoria Clinic. Alla also developed and facilitated retreats based on the principles of mindfulness and mindful self-compassion.

Alla has conducted research examining neuroanatomy of discourse processing. Her Doctoral thesis was about investigating depression and anxiety symptoms, acculturation, depression stigma and psychological help-seeking in Russian-speaking skilled immigrants.


  • Acculturation, Schema Therapy, Group-based interventions, IBS, Trauma, Self-compassion and mindfulness, mind - body connection
Socio-Economic Objectives

These are the most recent publications associated with this author. To see a detailed profile of all publications stored at JCU, visit ResearchOnline@JCU.

Journal Articles
Other research outputs
  • Xin Zi Quek S, Xiu Ling Loo E, Demutska A, Chua C, Kew G, Wong S, Lau H, En Xian Sarah L, Loh T, Ooi S, Hung E, Rahma M, Ghoshal U, Wong S, Cheung C, Syam A, Tan N, Xiao Y, Liu J, Lu F, Chen C, Yeh Lee Y, Maralit R, Kim Y, Oshima T, Miwa H, Pang J and Siah K (2020) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on irritable bowel syndrome. Gut, 69 (Suppl 2).

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  • 1 collaboration
  • Indicates the Tropics (Torrid Zone)

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