
Dr Emily Adam is a psychology lecturer, researcher, and registered psychologist at James Cook University. Emily established the Clinical Psychedelic Research Lab at James Cook University and is a Principal Investigator across several studies within the Lab. Emily has specific interests in innovative therapies for trauma-related presentations, with clinical experience working with current serving Australian Defence Force members, veterans, and their families. Emily’s research interests in psychedelics include the neurological and phenomenological mechanisms of psychedelic-assisted therapy, as well as the safe and responsible translation of psychedelic research into clinical practice. Clinically, Emily is interested in the potential of psychedelics for the treatment of chronic mental health conditions and its potential use in human flourishing. 

  • PY5413: Psychological Interventions (Level 5; TSV)
Research Disciplines
Socio-Economic Objectives
  • Associate Fellow - Higher Education Academy
  • Member - Australian Psychological Society

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Advisory Accreditation: I can be on your Advisory Panel as a Secondary Advisor.

These Higher Degree Research projects are either current or by students who have completed their studies within the past 5 years at JCU. Linked titles show theses available within ResearchOnline@JCU.

  • Psilocybin and Self Compassion: Is self-compassion focused integration therapy more effective than non-directive integration approaches? A randomized control trial study (PhD , Secondary Advisor)

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Advisory Accreditation
Secondary Advisor

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