
These are the most recent publications associated with this author. To see a detailed profile of all publications stored at JCU, visit ResearchOnline@JCU. Hover over Altmetrics badges to see social impact.

Journal Articles
Conference Papers

ResearchOnline@JCU stores 21+ research outputs authored by Dr Kevin Blake from 2000 onwards.

Current Funding

Current and recent Research Funding to JCU is shown by funding source and project.

Australian Research Council - Linkage - Infrastructure (L-IEF)

Microanalytical Facility Supporting Resources Development and Manufacturing

Indicative Funding
$806,355 over 1 year (administered by The University of Queensland)
The project aims to establish a state-of-the-art electron probe microanalysis facility enabling accurate chemical analysis to be undertaken at the micro-scale. It is expected to provide new knowledge and support applied research on a range of natural, synthetic and processed materials that will deeply impact advancements in the fields of metals processing and recycling, Earth and environmental science, and the development of materials for a healthier society. It will support ARC funded and industry engaged research enhancing the minerals exploration, mining and metallurgical industries and inform sustainable practice. It will also provide the key research infrastructure to enhance Australia?s research leadership in these fields.
Jak Evgueni, Peter Hays, Rick Valenta, Teresa Ubide, Kazuhiro Nogita, Paul Dirks, Michael Bird, Kevin Blake and Sean Ulm (The University of Queensland, College of Science & Engineering, Research Infrastructure, College of Arts and Society & Education)
Mining exploration; Geology; Geochemistry; Archaeology; Critical Minerals; Mining Engineering

These Higher Degree Research projects are either current or by students who have completed their studies within the past 5 years at JCU. Linked titles show theses available within ResearchOnline@JCU.

  • Integrating Iron Oxidation State and Trace Element Geochemistry in Minerals to Delineate Alteration Halos and Vector Towards Mineralization (PhD , External Advisor)

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