  • MB3200: Marine Conservation Biology (Level 3; TSV)
  • MB5004: Marine Conservation Biology (Level 5; TSV)
Research Disciplines
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These are the most recent publications associated with this author. To see a detailed profile of all publications stored at JCU, visit ResearchOnline@JCU. Hover over Altmetrics badges to see social impact.

Journal Articles
Book Chapters

ResearchOnline@JCU stores 32+ research outputs authored by Dr Maya Srinivasan from 2003 onwards.

Current Funding

Current and recent Research Funding to JCU is shown by funding source and project.

Great Barrier Reef Foundation - Reef Trust Partnership

IMR Integrated Reef Fish Monitoring Program

Indicative Funding
$1,464,814 over 2 years (administered by Australian Institute of Marine Science)
While critical knowledge of the abundance, diversity, and assemblage composition of Great Barrier Reef (GBR) fishes has been delivered by comprehensive and systematic monitoring programs across various spatial and temporal scales to date, significant knowledge gaps remain. These are being addressed through an Integrated Inshore Reef Fish Monitoring Program, funded by the Great Barrier Reef Foundation (GBRF) reef trust partnership and headed by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) This project is a major component of this program and aims to monitor fish communities and habitats on the fringing reefs of 8 inshore island groups in the GBR Marine Park. It will continue an existing monitoring program that has been monitoring 4 island groups since 1998, and will expand on this legacy monitoring program considerably by adding four additional island groups which have not been previously monitored. It is part of a large-scale collaborative program, the Integrated Monitoring and Reporting (IMR) Inshore Fish Monitoring Project, funded by the Great Barrier Reef Foundation (GBRF) reef trust partnership and headed by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS).
Maya Srinivasan (TropWater)
Fish; Great Barrier Reef; Monitoring; Coral Reef; Inshore islands

Australian Society for Fish Biology - Video Competition Award

Ecological significance of gorgonian sea fans on coral reefs and the consequences of declining health.

Indicative Funding
$2,000 over 2 years
Gorgonian sea fans are iconic biotic structures on coral reefs that draw attention to photographers wishing to illustrate the diversity and beauty of coral reef habitats. They provide a unique habitat for a huge variety myriad of coral reef fishes and invertebrates. However, in recent years sea fans have suffered from a variety of anthropogenic stresses that have increased the prevalence of disease. The degree to which associated fishes and invertebrates are dependent on sea fans and the consequences of declining health are unknown. This project aims to quantify the abundance and spatial distributions of gorgonian sea fans, to examine the fauna that live in them, and to evaluate the effects of declining health at two locations (Orpheus Island, Australia and in Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea). Habitat composition and reef morphology will be analyzed to assess gorgonian habitat preferences. The health of sea fans will be quantified and the effects of different stages of declining health on fishes and invertebrates will be assessed.
Geoff Jones, Maya Srinivasan and Marta Panero (College of Science & Engineering)
Gorgonians; Disease; Habitat Structure; Specialization; Disturbance; gorgonian genera (Annella, Melithaea)

Advisory Accreditation: I can be on your Advisory Panel as a Secondary Advisor.

These Higher Degree Research projects are either current or by students who have completed their studies within the past 5 years at JCU. Linked titles show theses available within ResearchOnline@JCU.

  • Implications of Small Body Size: Ecology and LifeHistory of Small and Short-Lived Coral Reef Fishes of the Genus Trimma (PhD , Secondary Advisor)

The map shows research collaborations by institution from the past 7 years.
Note: Map points are indicative of the countries or states that institutions are associated with.

  • 5+ collaborations
  • 4 collaborations
  • 3 collaborations
  • 2 collaborations
  • 1 collaboration
  • Indicates the Tropics (Torrid Zone)

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Secondary Advisor

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