
Michelle has been associated with Midwifery education since 2002 and has been employed at James Cook University since 2018 as a midwifery lecturer and loves working alongside students, helping them to develop confidence, understanding, and skills. She particularly loves teaching pratical skills workshops. Michelle believes that it is imperative that we do all we can to support our students in stressful emergency procedures, in an attempt to help them become successful and efficient midwives. Michelle holds a Bachelor of Midwifery (Honours) degree and Graduate Certificate in Midwifery. She is currently undertaking a PhD, exploring birthing in remote Queensland: An interpretive phenomenological approach investigating the experiences of registered nurses.



  • NS3991: Midwifery Clinical Practice 1 (Level 3; TSV)
  • NS4993: Midwifery Capstone (Level 4; TSV)
Research Disciplines
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