
Roberta Marcoli, a scientist, surfer, and animal lover, is dedicated to advancing sustainability and productivity in the aquaculture industry.Currently working as a Postdoctoral Researcher at James Cook University, she specializes in molecular biology and biotechnologies applications.

Originally from Italy, Roberta holds a Ph.D. in aquaculture and molecular biology, and her professional journey has taken her around the world, from Italy and French Polynesia to New Zealand and Australia. Throughout her career, she has focused on aquaculture and the utilisation of cutting edge technology to enhance productivity and sustainability of this industry.

In addition to her scientific pursuits, Roberta is passionate about science communication and fostering social awareness regarding aquaculture and sustainable fishing. Recognized for her contributions, she was awarded the "Future Young Leader" Award- AgFutures, Australia, 2024.

  • Aquaculture Molecular Biology Biotechnology
Research Disciplines
Socio-Economic Objectives
  • 2023 - Future Young Leader - AgriFuture

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Journal Articles

Advisory Accreditation: I can be on your Advisory Panel as a Secondary Advisor.

These Higher Degree Research projects are either current or by students who have completed their studies within the past 5 years at JCU. Linked titles show theses available within ResearchOnline@JCU.

  • Striking Gold - Determining the genetic Drivers of Gold Coloration in Barramundi (PhD , Secondary Advisor)

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Advisory Accreditation
Secondary Advisor

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