
I am a physical oceanographer and biophysical modeller with a background in Science of the Marine environment. My research focuses on understanding the physical and biological processes influencing marine population connectivity and persistence. I have gained significant experience in conducting observational and modelling research on coastal and shelf dynamics, coupled with biophysical model integrating complex early life behaviour.

  • Oceanography: circulation in the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea
  • Biophysical modelling of coral marine organisms
  • Quantitative ecology
Research Disciplines
Socio-Economic Objectives

These are the most recent publications associated with this author. To see a detailed profile of all publications stored at JCU, visit ResearchOnline@JCU. Hover over Altmetrics badges to see social impact.

Journal Articles
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Current Funding

Current and recent Research Funding to JCU is shown by funding source and project.

CSIRO - Contract Research

eReef : Hydrodynamic and biogeochemical GBR4 hindcast validation against observations IMOS

Indicative Funding
$72,727 over 1 year
The project falls under the eReefs phase 5 as part of the Workpackage 1 and 2. This project will assemble observational datasets from IMOS, AIMS and TropWater to assess a novel hydrodynamic and biogeochemical eReef 4km hindcast for the Great Barrier Reef. The project deliverable includes technical reports and program to access, format, extract and compare observations and model results.
Severine Choukroun (TropWater)
Hydrodynamic and biogeochemical modelling; Great Barrier Reef; Ereef GBR 4km

Great Barrier Reef Foundation - Crown-of-Thorns Control Innovation Program (CCIP)

COTS Information Infrastructure

Indicative Funding
$36,000 over 3 years
This project will create an Information Infrastructure to underpin the sharing and distribution of field, derived, and modelled data between CCIP researchers and the COTS Control Program. It will create a digital delivery mechanism to enable efficient, reliable sharing of data including metadata to guarantee provenance. This system will be designed to integrate with broader infrastructures being developed through RRAP and RIMREP.
Cameron Fletcher and Severine Choukroun (Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation and Research Division)
Acanthaster Planci; Information infratsructure; Biology, Ecology and Modelling

Great Barrier Reef Foundation - Crown-of-Thorns Control Innovation Program (CCIP)

Applying ensemble modelling of particle tracker to provide a probabilistic approach to COTS dispersal.

Indicative Funding
$238,201 over 2 years
COTS outbreaks spread on the GBR through dispersal of larvae on ocean currents. Understanding, measuring and predicting how larvae are dispersed is vital to both modelling COTS outbreaks on the GBR, and controlling those outbreaks effectively. Despite its central importance, modelling COTS larva dispersal remains challenging due to the scarcity of knowledge on their biology and behaviour and the complex water circulation. This project will apply an ensemble model approach, incorporating a range of validated hydrodynamic and bio-physical assumptions, to create a probabilistic approach to COTS dispersal, permitting the evaluation and minimisation of uncertainties inherent to the complex system.
Severine Choukroun and Michael Bode (Research Division and Queensland University of Technology)
Ensemble modelling; Environment protection; Control of pest in marine environment

Department of the Environment and Energy - Director of National Parks - Contract Research

Coral Sea - Coral Reef Health Multi Year Project

Indicative Funding
$45,455 over 2 years
The principal output of this project will be providing spatial and temporal analyses of hydrodynamic patterns in the Coral Sea Marine Park (CSMP) to facilitate planning and establishment and/or revisions of existing management plans. This project will inform patterns of connectivity and circulation flow across the broader CSMP, and between CSMP and Great Barrier Reef Marine Park using existing modelling platforms.
Morgan Pratchett, Hugo Harrison and Severine Choukroun (Research Division)
Coral Reefs; Hydrodynamic Modeling; Coral Sea Marine Park; Connectivity

These Higher Degree Research projects are either current or by students who have completed their studies within the past 5 years at JCU. Linked titles show theses available within ResearchOnline@JCU.

  • Informing the Recovery and Restoration of Tropical Seagrasses using a Biophysical modelling approach (PhD , External Advisor)

These are the most recent metadata records associated with this researcher. To see a detailed description of all dataset records, visit Research Data Australia.


The map shows research collaborations by institution from the past 7 years.
Note: Map points are indicative of the countries or states that institutions are associated with.

  • 5+ collaborations
  • 4 collaborations
  • 3 collaborations
  • 2 collaborations
  • 1 collaboration
  • Indicates the Tropics (Torrid Zone)

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