
Yui Sato is a postdoctoral fellow in James Cook University, and has joined the force for the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program. His current work focusses on the effect of coral genetic diversity in the coral aquaculture effort and development of scalable detection methods for coral pathogens and pests using molecular approaches.

He has completed his PhD in James Cook University on the ecology and microbiology of a coral disease. Following his PhD, he has conducted a postdoc fellowship on a closely related studies in AIMS, including coral reef recovery from natural disturbances and coral disease. Building upon his studies on the interaction between marine animals and microbial symbionts, he then held a scientist position at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in the Department of Symbiosis. In the Max Planck Institute, he used population-scale metagenomics to tackle evolutionary questions in animal-bacterial symbioses further. 

Research Disciplines
Socio-Economic Objectives

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Journal Articles

ResearchOnline@JCU stores 24+ research outputs authored by Dr Yui Sato from 2008 onwards.

Current Funding

Current and recent Research Funding to JCU is shown by funding source and project.

Great Barrier Reef Foundation - Reef Restoration and Adaptation Science (RRAP)

Engineering large scale coral aquaculture.

Indicative Funding
$561,000 over 4 years (administered by Australian Institute of Marine Science)
Efficient coral production methods are required for restoration and adaptation interventions to reach the scale necessary for ecologically relevant outcomes. Coral Aquaculture production systems will be designed to meet the desired capacity levels, while also providing conditions to maintain the health of early life stages of corals. Appropriate and efficient aquaculture conditions and infrastructure are critical, along with strategies to optimise settlement, survival and growth of early life stage corals. For corals produced in the aquaculture systems and earmarked for out-planting to natural reefs systems, strict health and quality assurance standards also be investigated.
Yui Sato in collaboration with Andrea Severati, Rachel Neil, Craig Humphrey, Kate Quigley and Jason Doyle (Australian Institute of Marine Science and College of Science & Engineering)
Coral Aquaculture; Systems design; Co-culture; Quality Assurance; Reef Restoration

The map shows research collaborations by institution from the past 7 years.
Note: Map points are indicative of the countries or states that institutions are associated with.

  • 5+ collaborations
  • 4 collaborations
  • 3 collaborations
  • 2 collaborations
  • 1 collaboration
  • Indicates the Tropics (Torrid Zone)

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